Warum gibt`s hier eigentlich nichts zu feiern?
Ganz Europa – die EU Kommission, der Rat – alle haben einen Gedächnisverlust? Die Reporter feiern gern mit. Garantiert das doch Schlagzeilen..warum hier kein (digitales) Blätterrauschen???
dann eben ganz profan:
We want, in contrast, a society for European citizens that is economically successful, but at the same time just and participative. This would be a Europe with social quality. Citizens would be able and required to participate in the social and economic life of their communities under conditions which enhance their well-being., their individual potential and the welfare of their communities. In order to be enabled to participate, citizens need to have access to an accepted level of economic security and social inclusion, to life in cohesive communities and to be empowered to develop their utmost skills.
(Amsterdam Declaration on the Social Quality of Europe, 1997)
Hat wohl keiner gelesen… aber wer hat das beschlossen?
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